
My name is Simon Roberts.
Although some people call me The Dalai Fama.

I’m a Cross Pollinator, Minimalist, Slow Thinker and Student of Nature.
These are my principles & practices.

Currently, I’m working on: Agrihood, Common Kitchen & NeverNever House. As well as, cultivating partnerships for Breathing.ai, Grateful Peoples & Rise Housing.

Here is my recent track recordlinkedin and some pigeon holes I can fit in:
Advisor, Cook, Creative, Designer, Ecologist, Entrepreneur, Farmer, Forager, Host, Interviewer, Investor, Naturalist, Producer, Strategist, Urbanist & Writer.

Alan Watts, Benjamin Zander, Bruce Lee, Buckminster Fuller, Carlo Petrini, David Holmgren, The Dalai Lama, Jane Jacobs, Ken Robinson, Krista Tippett, Paul Stamets, Rachel Carson, Robyn Davidson and Thict Nhat Hanh inspire me.

Born in Australia.
Raised in Hong Kong & Indonesia.
Based in New York & Lisbon.
Proud to call Earth home.

